Useful Safety Measures to Take for Outdoor Play Equipment

Playgrounds and outdoor play equipment not only help children build physical coordination, strength, and flexibility but also help create a conducive environment for social and emotional development.

Over the years, the playtime of children has been declining rapidly. This is the effect of innovation and advancements in the field of technology and communications. Additionally, playground safety concerns faced by parents is another factor that hinders the child’s overall playtime. Playground injuries are circumstantial, which include environmental factors, characteristics of children, and unsafe playground equipment.

There are various safety precautions that every architect, developer, educational institute and club owner should consider while setting up outdoor play equipment.

Designing a Safe Playground 

Business entrepreneurs know the importance of quality grade materials over quantity, especially in outdoor play and safety domains. So before you jump into planning and implementation, make sure you deal with the best outdoor play equipment manufacturers. This will ensure that the play equipment is safe to use and curbs all equipment-related accidents.

There are a few aspects that every architect, developer, educational institute and club owner should consider before procuring and installing outdoor playground equipment. These include;

  • Surfacing materials used for outdoor playground equipment
  • Quality of the equipment (in compliance with IPEMA)
  • Age-appropriate equipment (as per your requirements)

A playground should be entertaining and safe for kids. That can be done by inquiring about the play equipment for possible hazards and ensuring they comply with all safety norms.


Landscaping plays a vital role in creating a safe and conducive playing environment. Landscaping includes materials like shade structure, fencing, benches, dustbins, etc. These materials should be made out of non-hazardous plastics and polymers, and comply with the safety standards. In addition to this, installing seats, tables, parasols, etc. near the play area will encourage  parents and guardians to supervise kids that are playing in the vicinity. This will help avoid playground accidents as children are directly under adult supervision at all times.

Anti-Skid Flooring

Selecting the most suitable surface material plays a vital role in reducing injuries during play. So every outdoor playground should have anti-skid flooring measures to create a safe and conducive playing environment. Rubber flooring comes under the resilient flooring category which makes it the best possible choice. It is durable, easy to clean and most suitable for hard-wearing environments. ArihantPLAY uses quality grade rubber flooring solutions to help you abide by the outdoor playground safety practices.

Inspection & Maintenance  

The playground equipment management team should be able to identify playground hazards beforehand and take immediate action to avoid such occurrences. An extensive inspection program should be in place to create a safe environment for the children.


Undoubtedly, every architect, developer, educational institute and club owner who is looking to set up outdoor playground equipment must consider the above guidelines. In addition to this, many playground accidents can be prevented with some careful supervision. A safety board should be placed at every outdoor playground that states playground safety norms and practices. Acquainting the kids with safe play practices is important as well.

About ArihantPLAY 

Over the years, ArihantPLAY has successfully exceeded the customers’  expectations and delivers the highest quality and safety standards. We manufacture a wide range of garden decor and outdoor playground equipment that comply with the playground safety standards. Our team of skilled professionals help you design and create a perfect play system through compliance, diligence and expertise.

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