School Playgrounds: Why are they Important for Learning and Growth?

“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”

We have all heard this famous saying. Yet, when it comes to school playgrounds we often compromise on its availability in schools. Research shows that there are myriad benefits to installing playgrounds in schools that range from physical, social, and cognitive well-being.

Some schools have started decreasing the recess time as school is thought to be a place of learning rather than play. On the contrary, research shows that a decline in play leads to behavioral changes, decreased test scores, increased ADHD diagnoses, and more.

Why Play Matters in Schools?

Many areas of a child’s school activity have been proven to improve with time spent at playgrounds. Many child psychologists and educators also consider school playgrounds important for a child’s physical, social, and cognitive development. In fact, with more time spent during recess directly improves a child’s ability to learn and behave during class time.

Children with ADHD also show a reduction in symptoms with playground time. Moreover, outdoor play means exposure to the sun, which increases vitamin D levels. Optimal Vitamin D levels have shown a positive correlation with increased learning.

Playgrounds can also reduce bullying as they keep children too stimulated to engage in negative activities. It also teaches them cooperation and how to take turns in using playground equipment.

Playgrounds Offer All-Around Growth and Development

Playgrounds today are created keeping the ethos in mind that play should be enriching and contribute towards growth. Many activities that children engage in on the playground help in enhancing:

Physical Growth

Equipment like slides, swings, and climbers help in developing large muscle groups and motor skills. Physical activities at the playground help in making children be fitter and stronger.

Emotional & Mental Development

Engaging in play also triggers the release of endorphins. Endorphins play a large role in the emotional and mental well-being of a child. This supports them to develop confidence and self-esteem.

Social Skills

Playgrounds facilitate communication between children and help them work together and cooperate. They learn how to work together, share the equipment, and cooperate. These skills will assist children not just in the classroom but also later in life.

Playgrounds Offer Engaging Learning Opportunities

Playgrounds can also help educators incorporate lessons from the classroom to experiences. Science lessons regarding nature can be taught in playgrounds. PE classes could utilize playground equipment for exercises and promoting motor skill development. Playgrounds also enable children to engage in imaginative play. This helps in the growth of individual imagination, personal development, and problem-solving; skills that can be applied to all areas in school.

Are you looking for experts who can help you design a playground for your school? Simply contact ArihantPLAY and we will help you turn your playground project into a reality. With over 35+ years of experience, we offer an extensive range of outstanding products that children of all ages and abilities can enjoy.


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